Mantra Talk

Talking about Mantra’s and the benefits one receives.

A wonderful uplifting and correcting affirmation I wrote up specifically for myself whilst under duress, worked brilliantly.

I started with saying my mantra several times a night for nearly a month.

Once I commenced reciting the mantra whilst laying down in a comfortable position ( usually on going to bed for the night ) , I connected with the energy of the mantra straight away.

As I was repeating the mantra I felt my body respond and subtle shifts within were now starting to take place. Every night I repeated this affirmation and each time I felt something within me change.

My energy centres and my energy vibrations were  responding and correcting what was out of balance within me. My energy centres and the adjustments which took place felt different each time.

When I first started saying the affirmation, the adjustments were subtle and then became stronger over the next few nights.  As I have found with Meditation, Mantra repetition and Healing sessions, all things that seem to be on the subtle level are indeed working deep within and only  faintly felt on the surface.

By now you start to think that nothing is going on, but rest assured it truly is.

When you remember that you have forgotten to repeat the mantra for several days, then the corrective work has been done and is completed for the time being, as you are now at the vibrational energy level  that you require for your optimal health and well-being.

Life is busy and we need assistance to correct imbalances which occur through stress, illness, hectic lifestyles, over indulging and not enough rest and relaxation.

Take the time to spend a few minutes a day or evening tuning in and correcting the vibrational shifts which have taken place within and around your body.

Mantras are great for everybody. Once at the vibrational energy level that supports your health and well-being, spiritual goals and aspirations, continue to develop, grow and work with other mantras and affirmations.

We are continuously developing and growing.

Tap into the universal energies to continue expanding your knowledge and supporting your well-being on mental, physical and spiritual levels.

The mantra I worked with was about Love, body, mind and self.

Last year was quite stressful and I found that after writing and working with this mantra – I felt so much better in myself in a very short time.

I will share this mantra with you all and I hope that you enjoy it and the results as much as I did.

